- capacity of saturation
- способность к насыщению
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary. 2013.
massic heat capacity at saturation — soties savitoji šiluminė talpa statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Įvairialytės medžiagos savitoji šiluminė talpa, kai vieno tos medžiagos sando koncentracija yra didžiausia. atitikmenys: angl. massic heat capacity at… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
specific heat capacity at saturation — soties savitoji šiluminė talpa statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Įvairialytės medžiagos savitoji šiluminė talpa, kai vieno tos medžiagos sando koncentracija yra didžiausia. atitikmenys: angl. massic heat capacity at… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Saturation (telecommunications) — In telecommunications, the term saturation has the following meanings: *In a communications system, the condition at which a component of the system has reached its maximum traffic handling capacity. Note: Saturation is equivalent to one erlang… … Wikipedia
Saturation diving — is a diving technique that allows divers to remain at great depth for long periods of time.cite book |title=US Navy Diving Manual, 6th revision |year=2006 |publisher=US Naval Sea Systems Command |location=United States… … Wikipedia
Saturation pollination — is a pollination technique for agricultural crops in areas dominated by non crop plant species that are preferred by pollinators. The technique involves keeping a larger number of bee colonies than normally maintained for honey production so as… … Wikipedia
saturation coefficient — noun (building) The ratio between a building material s natural capacity to absorb moisture and its porosity • • • Main Entry: ↑saturate … Useful english dictionary
Saturation (chemistry) — In chemistry, saturation (from the Latin word saturare, meaning to fill[1]) has six different meanings, all based on reaching a maximum capacity In physical chemistry, saturation is the point at which a solution of a substance can dissolve no… … Wikipedia
saturation point — 1. the point at which a substance will receive no more of another substance in solution, chemical combination, etc. 2. a point at which some capacity is at its fullest; limit: After a while she reached the saturation point and could absorb… … Universalium
saturation — sat·u·ra·tion || ‚sætʃə reɪʃn n. act of soaking, act of filling to capacity; state of being soaked, state of being filled to capacity; purity of tint, percentage of white in a given color … English contemporary dictionary
saturation level. — See carrying capacity. * * * … Universalium
saturation point — satura′tion point n. 1) a point at which some capacity is at its fullest limit 2) chem. the point at which a substance will receive no more of another substance in solution, chemical combination, etc • Etymology: 1855–60 … From formal English to slang